
4 Signs to Know When You Need to Replace Your Car Battery

The battery is one of the most important parts of a vehicle. It stores and supplies power to various electrical components like the starter motor, headlights, wipers, etc. Like most other parts, it eventually wears out after some time and ceases to function. Unfortunately, it cannot be repaired when it dies, so it will have to be replaced with a new one

When is the Right Time to Replace the Battery?

Since batteries have different lifespans, there is no predetermined period for their replacement. A battery can last up to 5 years but can also die in less than a year. Their durability depends on some factors including extreme temperatures, engine starting cycles, charging systems, cold starts, corrosion, etc.

The only way you can tell that you need to replace it is when its performance deteriorates. Here are some common signs that can help you know when you need to replace your car battery:

1. The Engine is Difficult to Start

The battery’s work is to rotate the starter motor which cranks the engine. This requires a lot of power. One way you can tell that you need to replace it is when it struggles or takes a while to start the engine. This means that it discharges faster and cannot store power for a long time. 

Also, you don’t need to press the accelerator pedal when starting the engine. If you realise that you have to, then it’s time to look for a new battery.

2. Dim Headlights

When the headlights become dim, you know you might have to change the battery soon. This means that it no longer produces sufficient energy to power the car’s electrical components.

3. Rotten-egg Smell in the Bonnet

Is there a foul smell similar to that of a rotten egg when you open the bonnet? If yes, then the battery acid must be leaking. Leaking battery acid releases hydrogen sulphide gas, which smells like a rotten egg. Leaking battery acid is one way to tell that it isn’t functioning well and needs to be replaced.

4. Clicking Sound When You Turn the Key

You’ll know that you need to replace the battery when the car won’t start but produces a clicking sound. This is called “ignition clicks”. It happens when its power is too low to crank the engine.

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