5 Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Ignition Coil

The ignition coil provides electricity to the spark plug that ignites combustion. The coil is responsible for drawing voltage from the battery, amplifies it and transmits it through the spark plug. The following are 5 symptoms of a bad or a failing ignition coil;
Poor Fuel Economy
If your vehicle is using a lot of fuel than before, it is possible that ignition failure is the cause of this. A bad or failing ignition coil leads to the use of more fuel.
Oil Leak
The ignition coils are usually enclosed in an oil filled housing. If the coil overheats, the housing cracks and an oil leak is the end product. The carburetor ultimately gets flooded and this affects the performance of the vehicle.
Engine Hard Starting
If your car has a hard to start engine then it is highly possible that the ignition coil is malfunctioning or it is already done. The engine will be cranking without sparks inside the cylinder. A quick solution is required to solve this problem.
Your Check Engine Light Comes On
If your vehicle is having performance issues that are related to the ignition coil, you will be warned. The check engine light will be illuminated. Take your vehicle to a reputable technician for it to be checked out. It could be a bad or failing ignition coil.
If your car suddenly has cases of backfiring, this means that ignition coil failure has occurred. Car backfiring is caused when unused fuel in the combustion cylinders of the engine leaves the exhaust pipe. Faster repair of this helps reduce further costly repairs that may transpire.
Other symptoms of a bad or failing ignition coil include; Vehicle Stalling, poor power, engine jerking, rough idling, and getting the DTC code.
All these issues are resolved by replacing the ignition coil with a new one. The cost of new ignition coil depends on the type of vehicle.
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