6 Defensive Driving Tips to Keep You Safe on the Road

When you’re behind the wheel, your safety and the safety of others on the road should be your top priority. However, even if you are an experienced driver, you can encounter unexpected situations that might lead to accidents. Defensive driving is a skill that can help keep you safe in such situations.
Defensive driving involves being proactive and anticipating potential hazards. While you can’t control the actions of other drivers, there are certain steps you can take to protect yourself and avoid accidents.
Here are six defensive driving tips to keep you safe on the road:
1. Maintain situational awareness
Situational awareness is a crucial aspect of defensive driving. This involves being aware of the traffic conditions around you, scanning far ahead for potential hazards, and anticipating the actions of other drivers.
For example, if you are keen, you can spot an on-coming car that is being driven aggressively or recklessly. This can help you react quickly and avoid a head-on collision.
2. Maintain a safe distance
Another defensive driving technique you can use is maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. This distance will give you enough time to react in case the vehicle stops abruptly or makes an unexpected turn. If you are following a large vehicle such as a truck, increase the distance to allow for any debris or other hazards that may come from it.
3. Stay out of other motorists’ blind spots
Blind spots are areas around a vehicle that are not visible to the driver through the side mirrors or windows. They can vary depending on the type and size of the vehicle. Always be aware of the other vehicles around you and avoid driving in their blind spots. This will help prevent accidents caused by sudden lane changes or turns. Remember to also check your own blind spots before making any manoeuvres.
4. Let tailgaters pass
Giving way for tailgaters to overtake is another defensive driving tip that can help you avoid road accidents. Some drivers have a bad driving habit of tailgating other cars for no apparent reason. If you have a tailgater behind you, remain calm and don’t allow them to pressure you into driving faster than is safe. Avoid sudden braking or slowing down, as this can cause them to hit you from behind. Instead, gradually slow down and allow them to overtake.
5. Always stay focused
Defensive driving involves always staying focused on the road. Avoid distractions like eating or making phone calls while driving. Keep your eyes on the road and your mind on the task at hand.
6. Ignore road-raging drivers
While driving, you might encounter a driver who is upset with your driving. It could be because of something you did, or something totally unrelated to your driving. They might let off their anger by honking at you and abusing you verbally, leaving you agitated.
If you encounter such road-raging drivers, maintain your composure and avoid engaging them. Do not even make eye contact with them as it can be perceived as a challenge, and it might provoke them further. Instead, allow them to drive away, or leave the scene as soon as possible.
Defensive driving is an essential skill that every driver should possess, regardless of their experience. By incorporating defensive driving techniques into your driving habits, you can be a more responsible driver who always prioritizes safety when driving. Make defensive driving a habit to ensure a safe and stress-free driving experience.