Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness that is followed by increased susceptibility to suggestion. Under hypnosis, suggestions sidestep the critical faculties of normal consciousness and directly enter the subconscious area of the mind where they can be accepted and subsequently acted upon.
How long does it take to learn hypnosis?
In less than 10 days you can be able to learn just everything you need to know in order to carry out hypnosis. But this will only be possible through dedication and commitment.
How do I learn hypnosis at home? You may ask yourself. The following are ways through which you can be able to learn hypnosis at home;
Learn from a Live Training Program
Learning the art of hypnosis from a live trainer is one of the best ways to get up to speed with the skill. This provides firsthand information. You can find one by visiting online forums and special interest groups that are related to hypnosis.
Learn from a book
There are many books that are available on hypnosis. However, only a few hypnotists/hypnotherapists have limited their training to only books. Or rather, many people use books to supplement what they know or have been taught. There are few individuals who can read a hypnosis book and master the art.
Learn on the internet
The recent advancement in the technological sphere has made things very easy for us. Learning hypnosis is much easier when you have the internet. You can get all the details with the click of a button, this includes inductions and other skills that are necessary. Videos available on the internet can also supplement the knowledge that you may have.
Learn from a Video Training Program
Enrolling or having the help of video training courses is a great way to add more knowledge or learn new skills. Some people grasp easily teachings from a visual aid. This is also cheaper for people who cannot afford or have access to live trainers.
The practical part
Working with individual subjects
After mastery of the hypnotism knowledge, put it into practice. The first step is to induce hypnosis in individual subjects. This is one of the most critical and important skills you will get.
Always remember that hypnosis always begins with consent!
While at home, practice the following technique, one-on-one, with a varied range of subjects until you can successfully influence many of them. External distractions should be avoided or eliminated. Hypnotism requires a high level of concentration.
Removing Psychological Barriers
Whenever you want to start a session, always explain or know that there should be no fears. The practice is harmless and should be enjoyed as much as possible.
Focusing Attention
One of the most important hypnotic induction skills is the focusing of the subject’s attention on an object fixation. The object is fixed or suspended in a position of about one foot in front of the subject. It should also be high enough. Such placement is ideal for fatiguing the eyes which, by the way, occupy approximately the same position as normal sleep. Continued concentration leads to the relaxation of the optic muscles.