
3 Best Ways to Find Hidden Surveillance Cameras in a Room

Do you usually stay in hotels or Airbnb homes? Do you sometimes suspect that someone might be secretly watching you through hidden surveillance cameras? If yes, this guide will show you 3 simple ways you can use to find hidden surveillance cameras.

A surveillance camera’s job is to keep you and your property safe. However, some people have found a new use for them; to spy on other people. This happens mostly to travellers who book hotels and Airbnb homes. In one such incident, a woman claimed to have found 10 hidden surveillance cameras in an Airbnb home she had booked in Philadelphia.

Hidden surveillance cameras can be difficult to find. Some of them are small, and stalkers do an excellent job to hide them. However, you still have a good chance of finding them through the following ways:

  • Conduct a Physical Search

Normal places to find hidden surveillance cameras would be in the smoke detectors, under the desks, tissue boxes, electrical sockets, wall clocks, mirrors, desk lamps, etc. If you find anything that looks like one, cover it with a towel or a piece of cloth immediately.

  • Use Your Phone’s Flashlight

Since camera lenses reflect light, you can use this to your advantage. Make the room dark by closing all the doors and window curtains. Use your smartphone’s flashlight to look around the room carefully. Inspect anything that seems to reflect light. It might be a hidden surveillance camera.

  • Look for Infrared Light Using your Smartphone Camera

With your smartphone camera, you can easily find a hidden night vision surveillance camera. Such cameras emit Infrared (IR) light. Although it is not visible to the naked eye, a smartphone camera can detect it. Open your smartphone camera and use it to scan around the room including under the table, on the walls, on the ceiling, etc. If you see anything that emits light, it could be a night vision surveillance camera.

Those are just the basic ways you can use to find hidden surveillance cameras. If you need an advanced way to do it, you can use other methods like scanning Wi-Fi networks with your smartphone.

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