old phone

4 Ways to Repurpose Your Old Phone or Tablet

As more advanced devices are developed, many mobile phones and tablets become obsolete. Most people upgrade their devices almost every two years to keep up with the latest trend—and you’re probably one of them. Perhaps you have a drawer full of old phones and tablets that you no longer use. 

If you have an old phone or tablet that is gathering dust in the drawer, you can make it useful again. You only need a little creativity to transform your old device into a handy tool or a stylish accessory. Here are some ideas you can use to give your old phone or tablet a new life and purpose. 

  • Turn it into a digital photo frame

You can transfer some of your photos to your old tablet and make it a digital photo frame. Install a slide show app on it so it can display different images at different times. Place it on your desk or somewhere appropriate to enjoy a rotating gallery of your friends and family. 

  • Turn it into a security camera

Setting up surveillance cameras in your home is a great move to enhance security but it is usually expensive and out of reach for many. A cheaper alternative is to turn your old phone or tablet into a security camera. They might not offer quality services like normal security cameras but they will definitely get the job done.

There are various security camera apps that you can install and use. Position your device in a strategic location in your home or office to keep an eye on things when you’re not around. 

For essential surveillance, you can install Skype or any other video calling app, and then configure the settings so that it automatically accepts incoming video calls. This will allow you to check on your home and its surroundings whenever you want to do so while you are away.

  • Make it a dedicated music player

Your old phone or tablet can come in handy with storing and playing your favourite music in your home. All you will have to do is install a music player app on the device and connect it to your home music system via Bluetooth.

  • Donate it

What is trash to you could be gold for someone else. You might find your old phone or tablet useless, but someone else could be happy to have it. Donating your old phone or tablet to someone who needs it is better than keeping it and not using it. Just ensure that you wipe all of your personal data off of the device before you give it away. 





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