
Make Your Car Last Longer With These 4 Car Maintenance Tips

Your vehicle is one of the most important assets that help you with a lot of things and therefore you should take good care of it. If you want to make your car last longer, ensure that it is always in the best working condition by maintaining it on a regular basis.

Apart from making your car last longer, proper vehicle maintenance can help avoid expensive repairs or the need to replace it with a new one. You can save yourself a lot of money in the long run.

Here are some tips that can help you maintain your car well and make it last longer:

Service regularly

One of the best ways to make your car last longer is to take it to a qualified mechanic for regular servicing. A professional mechanic will be able to spot any potential problems with your car and fix them before they cause any serious damage. Apart from prolonging the life of your car, regular servicing will also improve its efficiency.

Wash your car regularly

One way to make your car last longer is to wash it regularly. This will not only keep it looking its best but will also remove any airborne contaminants that can damage the paintwork. Contaminants like salt can corrode and eat away the car’s clearcoat paint, and eventually expose the metal. Rust might get deep into the metalwork and cause more problems. To avoid this, try to wash your car at least once or twice every month.

Change engine oil on time

The engine oil is the fluid that lubricates the engine and makes it run smoothly. To prevent engine damage, change the engine oil on time. Only use the kind of engine oil that the vehicle manufacturer recommends. Never use cheaper oil as it might be counterfeit and can cause engine damages that can be expensive to fix. 

Another thing to remember when changing the engine oil is to replace the oil filter with a new one. It can get clogged over time and reduce the amount of oil that gets to the engine.

Drive less often

Avoiding short journeys is a good way to make your car last longer and conserve fuel. Cold starts put a strain on engines, and driving for only a short time doesn’t allow the car to reach its optimal operating temperature. This can lead to increased condensation in the exhaust, which can cause rusting and holes in the muffler. To avoid this, try to combine errands or, if you have more than one car, use the one that’s been driven recently. 

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