Would you like to earn extra money renting out your house online? This article will walk you through the process of doing so by becoming an Airbnb host in Kenya. Airbnb is a…
Author: Kirui Kiptoo
Microsoft officially retired its once-dominant web browser, Internet Explorer, on June 15, 2022. The tech company announced last year its…
If you find your computer monitor or laptop screen too small and boring, why not use your TV screen as…
All new vehicles come with spare wheels. However, the majority of them are the donut spare wheel types. Donut spare…
The ICT Practitioners Bill 2020, which was passed by the parliament last week, is causing ripples in Kenya ICT sector.…
If you own a retail outlet in Kenya, you can boost your income by registering and working as an affiliate…
If solar energy is the main source of power for your home, you should consider installing a solar charge controller…