
Best Ways To Fix Black Smoke From Exhaust Issue

Black smoke coming out of your vehicle indicates that something is faulty. It can be caused by clogged air filters, faulty MAF sensors, faulty fuel injectors, faulty piston rings, and engine deposits. Most of the  time the car will display a check engine light. If this happens to you then the following are the best ways to fix black smoke from exhaust issues;

Clean the Air System

Combustion requires a mixture of air in order to burn fuel completely. A faulty air system hinders this. Therefore, check your air system to ensure that it is working. If clogged, clean or replace it.

Use Common Rail Fuel Injection System

Many new diesel-powered vehicles use common rail fuel injection system. It is a high pressure injection system that feeds fuel to the solenoid valves. This high tech system limits chances of black smoke coming out of your exhaust pipe. Therefore, while buying a diesel vehicle make sure you chose one that comes with common rail fuel injection.

Employ Fuel Additives

Combustion debris eventually build up in the cylinder chambers and fuel injector over time. This will build up and start causing black smoke. To eliminate this, mix the fuel diesel with a detergent additive to stop the harmful deposits.

Check your engine Rings and Replace if Damaged

Faulty piston rings are responsible for black smoke from the exhaust while you are accelerating. Check and if necessary, replace them to get rid of the smoke.

Additionally, if you are travelling over long distances it’s advisable to take a break from driving and let the engine cool down before you continue with your travels. This also gets rid of that smoke that is caused by long distances.

Doing all these minor and major checks and repairs will have your vehicle running cleanly and not polluting the environment with that excessive black smoke that is annoying and potentially harmful.

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