Brake Booster Failure: Here are 4 Symptoms of a Bad Brake Booster

A car’s braking system contains several key components that work hand-in-hand to slow down or stop the vehicle. For example, there is a brake booster that helps the driver not to struggle to apply too much pressure on the brake pedal to bring the car to a halt.
A brake booster is a device in the braking system that uses the engine’s vacuum to amplify or boost the pressure the driver applies on the brake pedal, making it easier to stop the car. It is usually located in the engine compartment, mounted on the firewall.
The device may sometimes fail, which could be due to vacuum leak or something else. The best thing to do is to watch out for the symptoms and get a mechanic to repair or replaced it to avoid further damage.
Here are 4 symptoms of a bad brake booster you should watch out for:
1. Engine malfunction
The brake booster has a diaphragm with a seal that prevents air from getting in. In case the diaphragm is damaged and starts to let the air in, the engine may begin to stall, especially when you hit the brakes. This could lead to more damages if the problem is not solved. Therefore, it is best to get it fixed as soon as possible.
2. Hard brake pedal
A good brake booster makes it easier for you to push down the brake pedal. If it feels stiff when you press it down, then you might have to replace it.
3. Longer braking distance
If the device is bad, it might make it harder for you to stop, making the braking distance longer. This means that the brake pads aren’t getting enough pressure to squeeze the brake disks and stop the car effectively.
4. High brake pedal
When you notice that your brake pedal is higher than it should be, then you might have to check the condition of your brake booster.