Effective Ways to Maintain Your Car’s Wiper Blades

The wiper blades of a car help keep the outer surface of the windscreen clean. They effectively clear raindrops and dirt. They come in handy to ensure that the driver has a clear vision of the road, ensuring safe driving.
Wiper blades wear out and become ineffective after some time of use. There is no fixed replacement cycle for them, but you can easily tell when they need to be replaced. However, you can prolong their lives by regularly maintaining them. This article shares some tips you can use to maintain your wiper blades and prolong their lives.
Tips on How to Maintain Your Wiper Blades
Clean them regularly
Develop the habit of cleaning wiper blades on a regular basis. To do this, pinch the rubber part into V-shape with a damp rag, then wipe it up and down to clean off all the dirt. Be careful not to use too much force, else you might pull the rubber strip out of place.
If the wiper blade is uneven and has some stubborn dirt on it, you can use a fine sandpaper (2000 grit) to rub along it. Alternatively, squeeze some toothpaste on a dry towel and rub it up and down the wiper blade several times.
Do not turn on the wipers without water
When there is dust or dry dirt covering the windscreen, do not dry-wipe it with the wiper blade. You should spray the windscreen with the windscreen washer first until it is wet. If you dry wipe the windscreen, the dust particles will scratch the wiper blades or the windscreen because of friction.
Avoid exposing them to high temperatures
The wiper blade rubber strip is sensitive to high temperatures. When it is too hot, they will stick to the windscreen glass, causing them to deform and wear out.
Remove the debris around the wiper blades on time
The wiper blades may begin to collect debris such as leaves and dust particles, which may accumulate around them. If you don’t clean them on time, the debris will stick on the rubber strip. This will not only fail to clean the windscreen glass properly but also easily damage the rubber strip.
Replace them on time
Carefully observe the traces of the windscreen glass after using the wipers. If you see several traces that you cannot be wipe clean, then you should replace them immediately. If you don’t, the worn-out wiper blade rubber might scratch and damage the windscreen glass.
You will also know when wiper blades wear out because they will tend to produce a creaking sound during operation. The creaking sound indicates that the wiper blade has aged and hardened. The friction between the wiper blade and the windscreen is too large and must be replaced on time.
To sum it up, car wiper blades are fragile items that require regular maintenance. If you pay attention and adhere to the tips above, you will effectively prolong their lives.