
How to Cancel an Order on Fiverr: The Complete Guide

Deciding to cancel an order on Fiverr is a rare scenario. But you may wish to do so if the gig is not up to your expectations or the work quality is poor.

The process is straightforward, especially when both parties mutually agree on the reasons to cancel.

In our guide, we explain to you step by step how to go about the whole process as a buyer and as a seller.

To start with, let’s take you through how you can cancel the orders as a seller.

How To Cancel Fiverr Orders As a Seller

To successfully cancel an order on Fiverr as a seller, follow these simple steps:

1. Login to your Fiverr dashboard and go to “The Order Page” and select the order you want to cancel.

2. Within the order page, click “Visit the Resolution Center”.

3. Choose a reason for canceling and how you would like to resolve the issue regarding your order then click Continue.

You’ll have to choose an explanation from the options below.

Extend the delivery time
You can ask the buyer to extend the delivery time, if the time is the issue. Explain the reason for extension and the number of days you’ll take to complete the assignment.

Revise the order
If there are changes you’d like to include, you can revise it. Select what you would like to revise in your order and explain the reason for doing it.

Ask the buyer to cancel this order
If you click on this action, you’ll have more options to choose on why the buyer needs to cancel the order.

What if you can’t find the reason for canceling the order in the list provided?

Simply select the last option “Other” and explain your cancellation reason with your own words.

4. This is the final step, suggest to the buyer that you wish to cancel the order and explain why you’re doing so. Then click on “Submit Cancellation Request.”

That’s how easy it is!

Your request is submitted and it’s now the buyer’s turn to accept or reject your request.

If your request is accepted by the buyer, that’s fine but if not and you have a good reason for canceling the order, then you’re free to involve the Fiverr Customer Support team.

Furthermore, if the buyer doesn’t respond to your cancellation submission within 48 hours, Fiverr would automatically cancel the order on their side.

How To Cancel Fiverr Orders As a Buyer

Follow our simple steps to cancel your order on Fiverr as a buyer.

1.Login to Fiverr and go to “The Order Page,” then click on the order you wish to cancel.

2. From your order page, click on the “Resolution Center” link.

3. Select “Ask The Seller To Cancel This Order” on the next page and choose one of the reasons from the list, then click “Continue.”

4. Next, click “Send” and your request will be submitted.

That’s how simple the process is!

You’ll receive a notification that your cancellation request has been submitted and sent to the seller. The seller will also be notified of your cancellation request and he/she will either accept or decline your request within 48 hours. If they fail to do so, Fiverr will automatically cancel the order after 2 days.

At the same time, if the seller declines your cancellation request and you have a fair reason then you can contact the Fiverr Support Team.

What can you do if your order is marked as “Complete” and you’ve no access to the Resolution Center?

In such a situation, you simply discuss the refund request with your seller. Remember you must have a good explanation for order cancellation, for example, the seller used copyright infringing materials in the order without purchasing them.

However, if the seller isn’t willing to communicate and sort out the issues then you should approach Fiverr Customer Support for help.

Related: How to delete your Fiverr account

What are some of the reasons that can lead to order cancellation on Fiverr?

You can decide to cancel an order if:

The buyer marks an order as very late

The buyer or seller isn’t responding to messages that need attention

One party has a vague behavior towards the other party

There are threats of low ratings or using personal information against each other.

The seller or buyer included copyright/trademark infringing materials within the order without purchasing them

The account is deactivated or one party violates Fiverr’s Terms of Service

Buyer requests order revisions but includes different services from agreed-upon requirements

Seller marks the order “Completed” with uncompleted or shoddy work

Seller asking the buyer for additional payments for gigs not agreed upon the contract

When you think something isn’t quite right with your order, you’re free to cancel it.
We hope this guide helps you avoid some of the worst scenarios on the fiverr marketplace and build the confidence to express yourself.


Jebet Marian

SEO Copywriter

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