
How to Obtain a Birth Certificate Online

A birth certificate is an essential document. It proves citizenship, date and place of birth, and gives the names of your parents. The following is the process of obtaining a certificate online.

Application Requirements of Birth Certificate in Kenya

The digitization of many government functions has greatly lessened the process that was once hectic. A birth certificate is  applied online through the Kenyan government eCitizen portal. All the documents should be scanned.

  • A copy of the father and mother’s identification cards.
  • Original birth notification.
  • A fee of Kshs 90-200 (price changes time to time)
  • Filled application forms (Birth and deaths registration form)

Its important to note that it’s easier to get a certificate in the first 6 months after birth. It also given free during this period. A convenience fee of Kshs is paid to facilitate the process. The cost changes if you apply later or as an adult.

How to Register for a Birth Certificate on eCitizen in Kenya

You can carry out this process from the comfort of your device wherever you are and pick the birth certificate.

  1. You just need an account in your phone number, an email address, and national ID card number. Once you have registered, you will find the different services.
  2. Log into eCitizen.
  3. After signing in, you are able to apply for a Kenyan birth certificate under the Civil Registration Department.
  4. You have options to apply for child current, adult current, and late registration certificate categories.
  5. For kids, all application procedures go through the parents account.
  6. You will be prompted to answer a few questions about the you or whoever you are applying for. The questions are designed to validate your identity.
  7. Make all the payments according to your category. Options range from Mpesa, Prepaid Card, Debit, Credit, Airtel Money and Pesalink.
  8. Set a pick up location after all the procedures.

Once the process is complete, you will be notified via SMS or you can simply visit your eCitizen portal.

Read also; How to Obtain a Certificate of Good Conduct in Kenya

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