
How to Obtain a Certificate of Good Conduct in Kenya

Many employers in Kenya require a Certificate of Good Conduct while offering employment opportunities or checking for authenticity. It’s also required when applying for visa to travel abroad as well as running for public office. The following are steps you need to follow in order to obtain a Certificate of Good Conduct in Kenya;


  • A national ID
  • Have an eCitizen account
  • Kenyan Citizen above 18 years (if under 18 a parent/guardian’s eCitizen account can be used and a birth certificate)
  • 1050
  • Copies of identification details
  • Access to printing services

Application Process

  1. Log into the eCitizen account.
  2. Search for the Directorate of Criminal Investigations tab. Visit the ‘Get Service now’ tab.
  3. Choose the make application button.
  4. Pick the application you want to make from options given.
  5. Read instructions and click ‘Apply now’.
  6. Fill in the information required. This includes where you will want your fingerprints taken, your location and specific dates.
  7. In case you want to edit some information, you can just press back.
  8. Submit the information.
  9. The payment method will come up after you have submitted the information. Paying via MPesa is the easiest way. Once you click on the option, a prompt will appear on your phone to complete the transaction.
  10. Once payment is confirmed, you can now download the C24 form. It is a fingerprint form that ascertains that you have paid.
  11. Print the C24 form on both sides of an A4 paper.

Its important to note that these documents can also be found at your nearest Huduma Center in Kenya, the DCI offices at Mazingira House and Kiambu Road at the DCI Headquarters.


You need to present the following documents to the offices of the DCI;

  • Yourself
  • Two copies of the paid receipt
  • The C24 printed on both sides
  • Photocopy of your ID as well as the original one
  • Present fingerprints for the C24 form

Once this process is complete you will wait between 2-4 weeks for the document to be ready. You will be notified via a text message. You can go back to your eCitiCzen portal and download it.

Read Also: How to check Your CRB Status in Kenya

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