
How to Promote Your Blog

Blogging can be a very effective tool in driving traffic to your website for free. The following are some of the most effective ways on how to promote your blog;

Build an Email List

An email list for your website is very important. You can be able to send an email to your clients informing them about offers, new products and any other form of message that is relevant. An email will be read on a personal level therefore a customer will relate differently. 

Share on Social Media

Social media has turned out to be the future of marketing. Whenever you publish a new blog post it is important that you share it on social media. This can be done on a personal or company account. It will be helpful if you have a community on social media.

Therefore, it is wise to get as many followers as possible. Sharing should not be done only once, continue sharing until you are certain it is really out there. You should also keep in mind not to overdo it.

Involve Yourself in Outreach

If you do not have yourself a social media community or an email list you should try and tap into other people’s audience. This can be done by using other bloggers who have the platform, or business owners or any influential individuals/company to share your content.  

Use a link Bait

You can involve yourself in outreach by using a link bait. This is done by featuring other bloggers or business in your post. This attracts them because their egos may be flattered hence they might share it. This will work to your advantage.

Run a Contest

People like free things, this will be an ideal bait to bring people to your site. You can be able to use tools such as Gleam or Rafflecopter to host the competition. This will drive traffic to your site by interested parties.  The key is to make sure that the price is exciting in order to bring many people. Give away your product or something related to it.

Comment on other Blogs

Blog commenting is an effective way of building a relationship with your market as well as other bloggers.  When you leave a relevant or insightful comment, it will act as a route to diverting some of the traffic to your site.

Take part in Forums

There are various sites where people with the same interest converge and talk about something particular. Search for one that complements what you offer. This will draw attention to your blog.

Guest Post on Other Blogs

Guest posting is an ideal way of getting your content out there and driving traffic back into your blog. If you tap into the right community you will be able to be successful. The blog post should totally relate to the post as well as the business.


Other ways may include, answering questions on Quora, participating in Facebook groups, post on Reddit and many more other ways. Writing a great post requires time and hard work. Make sure your content gets out there.

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