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How to Register Next of Kin on Your MPESA Account Using a Mobile Phone

m-pesa next of kin

Many people die with funds locked up in their Mpesa accounts without anyone knowing. To avoid these funds going unused you can simply register a next of kin on your Mpesa account using a mobile phone.

Who is Your MPESA Next of Kin?

The next of kin a close living blood relative who can be contacted by Safaricom when a subscriber die. In case of any eventuality, the next of kin access the funds easily.

To register a Mpesa next of kin you simply visit the Safaricom website and fill in the form. However, you can do it through your phone using the following steps;

It’s as easy as that.

What is Needed When You Want to Retrieve Funds?

A claimant that wants to retrieve funds should visit a Safaricom store in their area. They should carry verification documents that include;

After Safaricom verifies all the information, the funds are transferred to the next of kin’s Mpesa account.

If the Mpesa next of kin does not provide information or claim the funds on time, they are transferred to the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority (UFAA). This happens after two years. However, the money can still be claimed.

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