
How to Set Your New Year’s Resolutions and Stick to Them

It’s that time of the year again when people set New Year’s resolutions to improve their lives. However, a few weeks into the new year, many people fall back into their old habits but that doesn’t have to be you.

New year’s resolutions are short-term goals you set and achieve within the first few months of the new year, but more often than not, they simply become another thing on your to-do list that’s never fully realized. 

Here is a guide on how you can set and stick to your new year’s resolutions so you can live the life you have always wanted.

1. Make a list of your new year’s resolutions

The first step to setting your new year’s resolutions is to sit down and make a list of the goals you want to achieve. This can be anything from quitting smoking to starting a new exercise routine to eating healthier. Write down your goals so you have a physical reminder of what you’re working towards.

Your goals should be specific and measurable. For example, just writing that you want to lose weight is not a goal because it doesn’t show how much weight you want to lose or when you want to lose it.

2. Write down why you want to achieve each goal

Once you have your list of new year’s resolutions, it’s important to take the time to write down why you want to achieve each of them. Having reasons to achieve whatever you want to achieve will help you stay motivated when things get tough.

For example, if your goal is to quit smoking, write down that you want to improve your health, save money, or set a good example for your children.

3. Set a deadline for each goal

In order to stay on track with your new year’s resolutions, set a deadline for each one of them. For example, if your goal is to quit smoking, set a date for when you would like to be a non-smoker. Without a deadline, it’s easy to push your goals off indefinitely. 

4. Tell your friends and family about your new year’s resolutions

When you share your new year’s resolutions with those around you, they will hold you accountable, support you, and help keep you on track. You will also be less likely to give up on your goals if you know other people are aware of them and are expecting you to stick to them.

5. Hold yourself accountable

At the end of each day, take a few minutes to reflect on how well you did with abiding by your new year’s resolutions. Be honest with yourself and don’t make excuses for failing to do something. If you find that you’re struggling to stick to your goals, make adjustments to your plan so it’s easier for you to succeed.

6. Reward yourself 

As you achieve your goals, give yourself a small reward after every milestone. This can be something as simple as taking a break from work to watch your favorite TV show or buying yourself a new shirt. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something that you will look forward to so you have something to keep you motivated.

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