How to Stop your Dog from barking

Have you ever been in a situation where dogs barked all the time? It could be your dog or your neighbour’s. It’s quite frustrating, right? Especially when you are just trying to have a chill time or at night, when you seek to get a good night’s sleep after a long day.
When I first got Troy, one of my dogs, it wouldn’t stop barking. At first, I thought the barking was because of the new surrounding, but when the barking couldn’t stop, I even thought he was sick. A quick trip to the local vet proved otherwise.
Be Calm
It turns out; I had been using the wrong methods to stop the barking. The most vital part of trying to stop your dog from barking is remaining calm. Being irate only worsens the situation for both parties, because the dog will keep barking, and you will get angrier.
More often than not, constant barking is a sign of high energy levels in your dog that are just building up but not getting released. You can try engaging him in dog challenges or games to help him release that energy. You can also opt for taking the dog out for daily walks. This works like a charm.
The ‘quiet’ command
You can also try this one out, and see if it works. It’s more efficient teaching your dog the ‘speak’ command first, then ease into the quiet one. When you say ‘quiet’ and signal that he should stop barking, give him the treat to reward his good behaviour. He will now always relate the signal to a reward and go silent when you need him to.
Call a Professional
When you try all ways, and nothing seems to work, you can contact a canine professional to come in and save the situation. Sometimes it’s just a behavioural issue that an expert can deal with effectively.