
How to Teach your Dogs to Fetch

One of the primary reasons I loved growing up around dogs is that they always came in handy when I needed a playing buddy. 

Keep in mind that this doesn’t come easy. Teach your dog the basics such as ‘fetch’ when you throw a ball or an object at them. The dog needs to know that when you say ‘fetch’, they need to run after the object and give it back to you. But how can you train your dog to do this?

The best part is, you just don’t get to bond with your dog, but you also help the dogs exercise as well.

Using the right toy

The most basic lesson is that you have to get your dog excited. What better way to do this than by picking an object they will want to experiment with?

Be careful not to use one that the dog might chew or swallow because this will cause additional problems and cut into your playtime.

Chasing and fetching

This is the hard part. Get the dog to want to run around and chase after the object. I have come across some dogs that just want to stay put and not move. If you have such dogs, put in extra effort to have them running around.

Also, some dogs may not want to catch the toys with their mouths. When this happens, try soaking the object in chicken or beef stock. This is bound to attract the dog.

After you have the dog running around, now it’s time to have it fetching the objects you throw. This might prove quite tasking in the beginning. Try using two toys for this. That after throwing the first one and the dog runs after it, you can throw the second one in the opposite direction.

Ultimately, the dog will get used to running back and forth to you. He might not bring back the object the first time, but with practice, he will get used to it.

However, do not forget to motivate your dogs by rewarding them with a treat for the effort every time they chase after an object or fetch one.

Hold on

This trick is for those dogs that instead of getting the toy and bringing it back, will opt to run away with it. You can avoid this by tying a rope or having a long leash on your dog’s neck. This way, when it fetches and tries to run, you can gently pull it back in your direction.

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