Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How to Avoid Scams on Instagram 

    How to Avoid Scams on Instagram 

    Being familiar with the common scams on Instagram is an ideal step to avoid scammers. You need to be vigilant in order to avoid cyber criminals. The following are some ways how to avoid scams on Instagram; Do Not Click on Suspicious Links Avoid clicking links sent to you that purport to be from Instagram…

  • Does Your Car Produce White Smoke? These are the Potential Causes and Their Solutions

    Does Your Car Produce White Smoke? These are the Potential Causes and Their Solutions

    A proper-running engine should produce white smoke that is hardly visible, mostly only when powering up in the morning or when cold, because of condensation build-up in the exhaust system, which is quite normal.  However, if you notice your car emits thick white smoke from the exhaust pipe, it could be a sign of a…

  • Top Instagram Scams

    Top Instagram Scams

    Instagram is among the top and most popular social media sites and for this reason cybercriminals have made it their home. With over one billion users and being the fourth most popular social media site, the following are the top Instagram scams you should not fall prey to; Familiar Instagram Scams There are various ways…

  • How to Download Your Instagram Data on the iPhone and Android App

    How to Download Your Instagram Data on the iPhone and Android App

    Whether you want to delete Instagram for one or two reasons there can be information that you want to save. The following is a guide on how to download your Instagram data on the iPhone and android app. Instagram Data on the iPhone and Android App Grab some of your information using the following method;…

  • How to Deactivate Your Instagram Account or Delete Instagram

    How to Deactivate Your Instagram Account or Delete Instagram

    It is okay to take a break from social media once in a while. You can deactivate or delete your account for good. The following is how to deactivate your Instagram account or delete Instagram; Steps to Deactivate Instagram Log in to your Instagram on a browser. Click on the profile picture and select “profile”…

  • Common Cyber Attack Types and How to Protect Your Computer System

    Common Cyber Attack Types and How to Protect Your Computer System

    A cyber attack is an offensive action by a cyber criminal on a computer network, systems, or data. This is usually done to disrupt, disable, or gain unauthorised access to private information. Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting businesses, organisations, and even individuals.  As we increase our reliance on technology, we get more vulnerable. Cyber attacks exist…

  • Alloy Wheels vs Steel Wheels—Advantages and Disadvantages

    Alloy Wheels vs Steel Wheels—Advantages and Disadvantages

    Most modern cars have many features that make them stylish and more comfortable. One of those features that can influence a buyer’s decision is the type of wheels. There are two main types; steel wheels and alloy wheels. They both do the same work but are made of different materials, which gives them unique characteristics. …

  • Top New Technology Trends for 2023

    Top New Technology Trends for 2023

    The rapid evolution of technology has brought about a lot of change and progress in different sectors. The following are the top new technology trends for 2023 that we expect to progress further. Computer Power Computer Power has already sealed its place in the digital sphere. Many devices and appliances are computerized and data scientists…

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