
PSV Badge: How to Apply for a Driver’s License in Kenya

A driver’s public service vehicle (PSV) badge is one of the government services digitized in recent years. This makes it easier for you to apply and pay for it online without any inconvenience.

Therefore, in today’s guide, we take you through a step-by-step process on how you can access your PSV badge.

How to Apply for a PSV Badge Online

To apply for a drivers licence online is a straightforward process when you’ve all the requirements.

1. Open an NTSA account by clicking on the NTSA web portal via the NTSA Citizens Self-Service Portal.

If you’re visiting the NTSA portal for the first time, then you’ve got to register on TIMS by simply clicking on the “Register” link. This will direct you to the “e-Register an Account” page.

This is the page that everyone, including individuals, dealers, agents, financial institutions, companies, and driving schools, registers to have an account on.

Well, for the case of Kenyan citizens applying as individuals, take note that you must enter your ID serial number and not your ID number.
And, if you replaced your ID within the last two years, you’ll be prompted to use your old ID card’s serial number. In the case where the system doesn’t accept any of your details, then we advise you to visit the nearest NTSA offices.

Other details that you need to key in include:

  • Your KRA PIN number
  • Your Mother’s Maiden Name
  • Occupation
  • Phone number
  • Personal email address.

Whereas if you’re an alien applicant, simply enter your Alien ID serial number and then key in your passport date of issue, non-resident taxpayer PIN number, and other mandatory details before you click on the “Submit” button to proceed to the next step.

Anyone applying as a company needs to key in these requirements before clicking “Submit” to proceed to the next step

  • Company’s valid certificate of incorporation
  • The company KRA PIN
  • The director’s KRA PIN 

2. Next, click on the “Verify mobile or email address” button to receive a verification code. Once you receive the code, enter it in the verification tab to verify the application process.

3. Confirm that all the details are correct, and click on the “Submit” button to complete the registration.

From here, you’ll receive your username and password to your mobile line via SMS and also via email.
You are now registered on the TIMS platform.


How to Login to Your NTSA Account

After you’ve successfully registered with the TIMS Platform, open the NTSA web portal using the NTSA Citizens Self-Service Portal.

Click on “Login” and select whether you wish to login using your username, ID number, alien ID number, or certificate of incorporation.

Enter your user name or ID number and password.
Once you click on the “Get Code” button, you’ll receive a security code on your mobile phone. Simply enter the code and click on the Sign In button to log in to your account.

How to Apply for the Driver Public Service Vehicle (PSV) Badge

To apply for the PSV driver badge, click on the “Driving license” option on the menu bar after a successful login.
While here, select “Apply for a Driver’s License” on the drop-down menu.
A page showing the PSV driver badge application form will appear.

Use this form to fill out all the required details accurately, then upload your;

  • Scanned National Copy
  • A driving license
  • A recent passport photo
  • And, a certificate of good conduct

Now, confirm the fields that are already pre-filled.

After you have completed filling out the application form, click on the “Next” button to make the payment.

How do you make payments?

The payment page gives you the option to choose your preferred payment method. For instance, you can pay using any payment platform like Mpesa or a bank.
The cost of a PSV Driver badge is Ksh 1000, and convenience charges are Ksh 50. That means you pay a total of Ksh. 1050 for the application fee.

Follow the prompts given and click on “Submit” and forward the application to NTSA for processing.
Also, remember to keep checking your approval status online, and once the PSV driver badge is ready for collection, you’ll receive an SMS notification informing you to collect it.

Always print out the payment invoice for future reference.

How to view your application status


Using a browser, open the NTSA web portal using the NTSA Citizens Self-Service Portal.

Log in by filling in your identification details and password, or create a new NTSA TIMS account if you are a new user.

After a successful login, navigate to the dashboard and click the “Driving License” option on the menu bar.

This will prompt all applications submitted to be displayed, and you will be able to view the status of your recently applied documents.

Where do you collect the Driver’s Public Service Vehicle (PSV) badge?

Visit the NTSA office near you upon receiving the notification message.
Again, remember to carry your invoice printout and ID card.

While at the office, the NTSA officials will verify your documents and details. They’ll then issue you the Driver of a Public Service Vehicle (PSV) badge immediately.

NTSA’s Office Locations & Contacts

We compiled a list of all the NTSA contacts both at the national and regional offices 
National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) – Head Office

Physical Address: 316 Upper Hill Chambers, 2nd Ngong Avenue, Nairobi

P.O. Box 3602-00506, Nairobi

Mobile Number: Safaricom: 0709 932 000; Telkom: 020 6632 000.

Call Center: Safaricom Line: 0709 932 300; Telkom Line: 020 6632 300

Email: [email protected]
Complains: [email protected]
Report corruption here: [email protected].

E-Citizen Queries: Safaricom Line: 0709 932 300; Telkom Line: 020 6632 300

Who’s eligible?
Any Kenyan citizen at the age of 18 and above is eligible as an applicant.
In addition, one must also be cleared by the Sacco or company they work with. 

What’s the validity period?
The PSV driver badge is valid for two (2) years. Until suspended, revoked, or cancelled by an authorized legal body,
We urge you to renew your badge at least one month before the existing one expires.

Required Information

  • Your official full name as the applicant
  • Details of the official identification document
  • Valid KRA PIN number
  • Registered phone number and email address
  • Certificate of Good Conduct Details
  • Your declaration as the applicant
  • Any other additional documentation as requested by the authority.

According to Kenyan traffic laws, it is against the law for anyone to operate a public service vehicle on the road unless they have been granted a license by the NTSA and received an NTSA Driver Badge for the purpose. It is also against the law to employ or allow anyone who has not been granted a license to do so.

Jebet Marian

SEO Copywriter

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