
Road Rage: Causes, How to Avoid it, and What to Do if You’re a Victim

Road rage is a common form of behaviour by drivers on the road. It can manifest itself in several ways, including aggressive driving, altercations, rude gestures, verbal insults, and threats. In worst cases, it can lead to accidents, property damage, physical injury, and even death. 

Road rage is characterised by a driver’s uncontrolled anger, often in response to another driver’s perceived poor driving. Both men and women can be victims or perpetrators of this unruly behaviour, including the most rational drivers who believe they’re in complete control of their emotions behind the wheel.

What causes road rage?

Since road rage is an emotional issue, people react differently while on the road. Some people may be more likely to get enraged by the slightest road mishap because of their personality. 

Some potential causes include:

  • Getting frustrated due to driving in a heavy traffic
  • Seeing other drivers break the law
  • Angry gestures made by another driver
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Being honked at
  • Being tailgated
  • Being cut off in traffic

How to avoid road rage

One of the best ways to avoid road rage is not engaging with other drivers. For example, when someone cuts you off or blocks you, resist the urge to honk annoyingly. Keep your cool and find another way around the problem if possible. If someone gives you a bad look as they pass by, just ignore them completely. They will eventually get bored with harassing you and move on.

Another great way to avoid road rage is to take a deep breath when someone frustrates or provokes you. Do not let your emotions spill over and make you react badly. If you notice that you’re becoming angry or frustrated while driving, find a nice spot and pull over. Step out of your car for a moment until you calm down again. Once your temper subsides, continue with your journey. Things will be easier once you get back behind the wheel again.

What to do if you are a victim

If you are a road rage victim, take down as much information as possible. Get names and contact information of other drivers involved in the incident and report the matter to the authorities as soon as possible.

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