
Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Parking Brake Release Cable

If your parking brake doesn’t easily engage or disengage or the car is dragging the parking brake has an unresolved issue. The parking brake is a secondary braking system that is set up to be the second option when it comes to safely parking your vehicle. Additionally, it can be used in case your primary brakes fail. Therefore, it has to be in pristine condition. The following are symptoms of a bad or failing brake release cable;

Drag in Vehicles

In case you are driving your car and you can feel a slight drag or sluggish movement, the be sure there is an issue with the brake release cable. This could be due to the parking brake drum, the parking brake release cable, or simply both. To sort this issue out you need a specialist or your mechanic to diagnose it.

Immobile Parking brake

After parking your vehicle and trying to disengage it and it fails then there is a high possibility that it has malfunctioned. Additionally, the opposite is true when the brake refuses to engage then it needs to see a specialist.

Why Does the Parking Brake release cable Fail?

With time, the brake release cable suffers from wear and tear. It is corroded and filled with dust. Additionally, the cable can be affected by the cold in countries that experience extreme cold conditions. It fails after it has been disengaged due to the frozen temperature.

When faced with such a situation, give your vehicle a little time and let it warm first before disengaging. This will save you a lot of unwanted expenses and potentially damage that comes with it failing.

Disengage First before Driving

If the brake cable is broken then it’s prudent to avoid driving your vehicle. The end product can be more damage to your vehicle. If unsure of the next step kindly contact a specialist.

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