The rise of artificial intelligence in various industries has had an array of effects. Call centres operated by humans are being targeted next. Scientist project that by 2026, AI chatbots will take over.
Various customer service companies are heavily investing in AI in order to save costs. This has further been boosted by advances in natural language processing and text-to-speech.
These two developments make it hard for people to distinguish between a real person and a bot.
Main Challenge
The main challenge facing this advancement in technology remains to be the discrepancies and other signs in the conversation that are unreal. However, contact centre operators are not worried about this and expect the technology to improve with time.
There are over 17 million call centres across the globe and most of them are coming together in support of this advancement in AI software.
Labour Shortage
The AI conversation in the call centre circle has further been fuelled by the acute labour shortage in recent times.
Various organisations are faced with these shortages and the need to cut back labour costs. This takes a huge chunk which is in the regions of up to 95% of the total costs.
Agents become more effective and efficient with conversational AI hence improving the experience of the customers.
Customer Interactions
The introduction of AI means that approximately ten per cent of all the interactions will be performed by them. Text-based chatbots and fake voice bots will take over in the next few years time.
While this advancement will eventually take over, it has different types of automation. Some companies may decide to use AI at the beginning of the interaction so that your answers can be answered by an agent later.
Having an AI will reduce the significant amount of time that human agents take up.