
Top 10 Image Optimization Tips

While running an online business, it is necessary to know about image optimization. This necessarily requires attracting shoppers that are going through google images to reducing the time that your sites take to load items. With all these in consideration, you will have yourself a very successful ecommerce website. The following are the top ten image optimization tips;

Enhance your Alt Tags Intelligently

Alt tags are simply defined as text alternatives to images when the browser can’t properly render them. Even when the image is not properly functioning, when you move around it with the mouse pointer you can be able to see the alt tag text.

The alt options furthermore increases the SOE value to your website. By associating keywords with images will help your rank to be better as a matter of fact.  

Strategize your Image Dimensions and Product Angle

You need to be able to show various angles of your product. This is just what marketing requires in the modern setting. If it’s a car for example, you need to show images of the interior, the rear, rims at a close up, underneath the hood and any other part that may be of interest to car buyers.

Reduce the File Sizes of Your Photographs

Most visitors on the internet take an average of 3 second for a website to load on a laptop or desktop and about 5 seconds on their mobile gadgets. If your images take more than 15 second to load then that is a major buzz killer.

People are never that patient and therefore they ought for images that load faster. Decreasing the size of the image files on your webpage and increasing page load speed will work to your advantage.

Describe Your Image in Casual English

When dealing with SOE, it is very crucial to use normal keywords in order to help your webpage rank on search engines. Therefore, it is essential that you create a descriptive, keyword rich file name for the optimization.

Look at your website analytics and see the phrasing patterns that your customers use while searching for stuff.

Find Out the Right Image File to Use for the Right Situations

There are only three types of formats in which images can be uploaded: JPEG, GIF, and PNG. JPEG (.jpg) are somehow the de facto standard image of the internet. 

GIFs (.gif) are relatively lower quality images compared to JPEGs and are usually used for simple images such as icons and decorative images. PNG images are taking over as a substitute for GIFs. 

Know How to Handle Your Thumbnails

Thumbnails are awesome but you need to be careful. They can work against you to your page loading times. Make sure that thumbnail file sizes are as small as possible as well as varying your alt tag text so as not to duplicate text that you would use for a bigger version of the same image.

Use Caution When Dealing With Content Delivery Networks

Content delivery networks (CDNs) are very fast turning out to be a haven to hosting images and any other media files. However, they come with backlinks. Backlinks are important for SEO.

The more backlinks you have the better your site ranks in the search engines. 

Test your images

The main point of optimizing your images is to assist you in increasing the visits to your site. Therefore after doing all these methods proposed, it is important that you test the system from time to time in order to update or make the necessary changes.

Make Use of Image Site Maps

Google image site maps will help you to recognize by Google. This also goes hand in hand with your site using JavaScript galleries, image pop-ups, or any other ways taht5 are flashy in order to improve the overall shopping experience.  

Be Careful About Your Decorative Images

Even though decorative images can add a a lot of aesthetic appeal to a webpage, they often result in a bigger combined file size and slow load times. Therefore, always be keen on decorative images so that they may not cause problems to your site and discourage potential visitors. 

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