
Top 7 Anime Apps for Mobile Streaming

The anime train keeps on gaining momentum with each passing day. Don’t be left out today. Catch your best anime show today on your device from anywhere. The following are the top 7 anime apps for mobile streaming;


Tubi is one of the best anime apps for mobile streaming. It’s free and can be found on both iOS and Android platforms. It lets you watch all your favorite anime shows from wherever you are in high quality. The catalogue is also unmatched.

Apart from streaming anime, you can also stream movies, cartoons, and web series.


AnimeLab is one of the best anime apps for streaming anime shows. The app has a customized list of all anime so that you can find your favorite anime instantly.

Moreover, it has one of the largest collections of anime shows in the world. The app is free to all anime lovers.


Crunchyroll is a mobile streaming platform that can cater for all your anime thirst. It works well on Android and iOS devices.

It’s one of the best and popular anime streaming sites with loads of content.


Kitsu is a free anime streaming platform that is free and available on both iOS and Android. Its interface is user friendly and stream in high quality as well.

Additionally, this app shows you the launch date, cover page, and gives you a brief description of what you are going to watch.

Anime and Manga Animo

Anime and Manga Animo lets you explore some of the biggest shows in the anime world. You get to engage with anime fans across the world. Its available on Android and iOS.

Funimation Now

Funimation Now is what you need if you are new to anime. They have a wide range of anime films and series. With this app, you can watch the shows offline and they are ad free too.

Its available on both Android as well as iOS. You get a 14-day free trial before paying a monthly subscription.


Netflix is also another platform that gives you an easier avenue to watch anime uninterrupted. It’s available on both iOS and Android. With Netflix you don’t get all those annoying ads and that is why you get a 30 day free trial before you start paying

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