
What is a Clickbait? Here’s How to Identify and Avoid Clickbait

While browsing the internet, you have probably come across a link with a captivating headline that is hard to ignore. But when you click on it, you get disappointed because the actual content is not exactly what the headline says. Sometimes it forces you to click through various links trying to find the content on the headline. This is called clickbait, and it is a common online marketing tactic used to get people to click on links.

Clickbait headlines are often sensational or overly exaggerated. They make you want to click on the link to find out more. However, the content of the article or video is often not as good as the headline promises. The link may even lead you to a page full of nothing but ads, and you may end up feeling tricked or disappointed.

Why do people make clickbait?

Out of curiosity, you are more likely to click on something if it has an interesting headline. People behind clickbait cleverly fine-tune them to make money online through your click in various ways such as:

  1. To drive traffic to a website or Youtube video.
  2. To get people to buy a product that they are promoting.
  3. To generate revenue from advertising or affiliate marketing.

How to identify a clickbait headline

You might realise you have clicked on a clickbait headline when it is too late. But if you are keen enough, you can easily identify and avoid clickbait. They usually have sensational, exaggerated, or otherwise attention-grabbing headlines, often with a sense of urgency. They may also include promises of exclusive content or promises of a solution to a problem.

Common clickbait headline formats may look something similar to these:

  • “You won’t believe what happened to this… after…”
  • “This is what happens if you…”
  • “You’ll never believe what happened next!” 
  • “Find out which celebrity just got caught in this scandal!”
  • “Click here to find out how I made $1 million in one day”


Apart from being annoying and time-wasting, clickbait can also be dangerous if the linked content contains malware or misleading information. To be safe, you should always take your time and assess every link you are about to click.

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