7 Reasons Why Your Car Shuts Off While Driving and What To Do

Your car shutting down without any warning has to be a bizarre as well as dangerous. This scenario can be caused by various reasons. The following are 7 reasons why your can shuts off while driving and what you should do;
Malfunctioning of the Crankshaft Position Sensor
A faulty crankshaft position sensor can let you big time. Its main role is to observe the engine’s various moving parts and ensures that fuel injection and ignition is up to par. When it fails it causes the engine to misfire. This ultimately leads to your car shutting down while you are driving. The solution ton this is having a mechanic run a diagnostic on your car as well as repairing it.
Damaged Alternator
The alternators job is to make sure that electricity is constant from your vehicle’s mechanical energy. If the alternator is faulty then the car will not receive the power that it needs. The car will ultimately shut down while driving. Have a specialist check it out once in a while.
Faulty Fuel Gauge
A faulty fuel gauge can disappoint you if you are unaware. If You find out that your car’s fuel intake doesn’t add up then it’s important to get it fixed by your mechanic.
Empty Fuel Tank
Many people are always shocked when they come to the realisation that their car has stalled due to being empty. Always know when to fuel and have the necessary fuel amount when travelling. If You find out that your car’s fuel intake doesn’t add up then it’s important to get it fixed by your mechanic. Always know when to fuel and have the necessary fuel amount when travelling.
Clogged Fuel System
Clogged fuel system can make your car stop abruptly while driving. If the fuel intake is suspicious, have it checked as soon as possible.
Malfunctioning Ignition Switch
Ignition switch get worn down over time. The plates may get rusty and switch off while you are driving. Have a specialist look into it.
Worn Out Spark Plugs
They are also a major reason as to why your can can stop abruptly while driving.
In most of this scenarios the vehicle will display a check engine light to show that there is something wrong with the running of the engine.
What to do?
Pull over
- Try to restart it
- Use emergency flashers to alert other road users
- Call the emergency number for pick up
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