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How to withdraw money from PayPal to M-Pesa in Kenya

paypal M-pesa

Thanks to a partnership between PayPal and Safaricom. Withdrawals from PayPal to M-Pesa are now officially possible.  The new service is operated by TransferTo, a B2B mobile payment company.

To withdraw your funds, you need to do the following:

  1. Have a PayPal account.
  2. Go to and click on log in (top right corner).
  3. You will be prompted to log in and thereafter agree to terms of using the service.
  4. Add your M-Pesa phone number to link your M-pesa to your Paypal account. 

How to withdraw money from PayPal

What you need to know.

This are some of the  Key things you need to know  to enable you to transact smoothly using this service.


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