
Telkom Kenya Introduces Freedom Bundles To Its Customers

Telkom has unveiled a new data bundle proposition –the Freedom Bundles – that grants subscribers free calls within the network, free WhatsApp and free SMS to any local network. Subscribers to the proposition will also be able to make calls to other networks at KSh2 per minute. Subscriptions are available in daily, weekly and monthly options.

“We believe in giving our customers the best value. The launch of Freedom Bundles is a testimony to that. More and more people are accessing the Internet on their mobile phones. It is our duty to empower all our customers to enjoy the benefits of real-time communication with competitively priced data, bundled with voice, SMS, and WhatsApp at no extra cost. With this service, they can turn their mobile phones into fully functional personal integrated communications devices.” Telkom’s Chief Executive Officer Aldo Mareuse said.

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“We continue to monitor and review our customer experience, to make it more engaging and superior in quality. We will also continue to develop communication solutions that meet the productivity and lifestyle needs of our growing subscriber base. The Freedom bundle can best be described as a stress-free offering that allows our customers more flexibility and choice while using our services,” adds Mr. Mareuse.

Customers can choose from four options: a Daily bundle at KSh 39, a 3 Days bundle at KSh 49, a Weekly bundle for as low as KSh 99 and for as high as KSh 249 and a Monthly bundle for as low as KSh 499 and as high as KSh 2,999.

Customers can subscribe to Freedom by dialing *544#.  To enjoy the free benefits, they must have a valid Freedom bundle and a data balance of not less than 1MB.

Data, voice and text messaging have contributed largely to the rapid growth of the country’s communication sector. As 4G and 3G mobile coverage grow across the country, Kenyans continue to embrace the use of mobile telecommunication and use of the Internet which is becoming the preferred personalized communication alternative for mobile users.

According to the Communication Authority of Kenya’s (CA) most recent Statistics Report for the Quarter ending June 2017, Internet services are soaring on all fronts.  The report cites the number of mobile data subscriptions continuing its upward trend, recording 29.6 million subscriptions which represented 99 percent of all Internet subscriptions.

Freedom Bundles TVC

READ ALSO;  How to subscribe to Telkom Kenya’s freedom Bundles

Oliver cheruiyot

Oliver is the editor of TechGuy. He's also an experienced digital Marketing professional. Currently runs a small business in Nairobi Kenya. Send Me a message; [email protected]

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