
Why you are Getting Old Faster because of Your Gadget

Past studies have shown that spending too much time on your gadget has an impact on your mental health as well as your eyesight. Additionally, a new study indicates that your gadget may also affect your ageing process.

Animal-Model Study

The Animal-Model Study which was published in the journal Frontiers in Aging is a useful study undertaken.

This study noted that the excessive blue light that comes from your laptop, mobile phone, or TV is lethal. It hastens the ageing process.

Excessive light affects various cells in the body. This includes skin and fat cells as well as the sensory neurons.

The Experiment

The research carried out indicated that fruit flies that were exposed to the light switched on their stress-protective genes. However, those kept in the dark lived longer.

To understand this phenomenon well an experiment was needed. Its main aim was to understand why high-energy blue light causes the faster ageing of fruit flies.

They took fruit flies for two weeks and isolated them. Furthermore, they compared the ones that were kept in complete darkness against those that were exposed to blue light in the same period.

The ones exposed to the blue light had a huge difference in the levels of metabolites measured especially in the cells of the fly heads. They specifically found out that the levels of the metabolite succinate went up but the glutamate levels went down.

Moreover, the differences that were noted by the researchers indicate that the cells are working at a suboptimal level. This is the reason why they died prematurely and this is also the reason noted why blue light increased their ageing.

Therefore, it is important that you spend less time on your phone, laptop, TV, or any other gadget that you are hooked on. It will go a long way in making sure you save some time in the future.

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