Every now and then a new app appears and gets people hooked. However, this craze usually disappears after a few months. Alternatively, some apps continue growing and growing: a great example is TikTok. The following are reasons why TikTok is so popular at the moment.
TikTok Convey a Sense of Community
The sense of community that TikTok brings is one which can be seen by its users. You get to see this when they take part in various viral challenges.
Users of this app can sample content from others and grow their community exponentially.
It’s a Force in the Marketing World
TikTok has turned out to be a force to reckon with in the marketing world. If you are a business owner, TikTok is a great channel to promote your brand. There are challenges that promote and show the personality of your business.
Additionally, many musicians can allude to the fact that the app pushed their music careers to greater heights. Many videos use their songs and this translates to more listens on streaming platforms.
TikTok is Unique and Different
Many users allude to the fact that you can go to the app and find content that you normally can’t come across anywhere else.
You will see videos from TikTok being shared on other social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Users Say it makes them Happy
The app has an array of content that many users find to be fun and relatable. Everybody needs joy and a little fun in their lives. Various studies carried out have noted the negative impact that other social media platforms have caused.
It’s Authentic
Various users suggest that TikTok is authentic. This simply implies that they can be themselves on the app. Many people post videos here that they can’t post anywhere else. Additionally, advertising on this app seems fun, unique, and real.
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